Love Poem: The Quiet Heart
Steven Kopko Avatar
Written by: Steven Kopko

The Quiet Heart

The Quiet Heart   

Life with all of its storms
Keeps my heart always in reform 
The sadness of a loss
Fills my aching heart with a criss cross
Knowing, I will see them once again
My failures I endure
Will skip a beat 
To the greatest defeat
I know in the end, it will be bittersweet
The lessons in life I will learn
Will not leave me with a heartburn 
But the ability to discern 
The heartbreak of love that once turned me away
Reappears again to the sound of cheers
On my wedding day 
The birth of my child 
Wonderful greatest heartfelt gift 
I can hear the sound of your little heart beat
The joy which this newfound life brings
Molding my emotions with every heartstring 
After all I have been through
My heart will always 
Remember my debut 
Every breakthrough part 
All with a beating of the quiet heart