The Rainbow
Whe I see a rainbow
red, orange, yellow, green and blue
reminds me Lord of the beauty of you
I think of a pot of gold
which are your words which were for told
I think of golden coins and how you treasure each and every one
you count us very closley and never miss out anyone
every time a rainbow has rose
reminds me that we are the ones that you have chose
your Love comes in great lengths it's impossible to measure
we are your little golden coins that you sincerley treasure
so when I see a rainbow
red, orange, yellow, green and blue
reminds me of just how much we mean to you.
no mere man has ever sen, heard or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready
for those who Love the Lord, 1 corinthians 2 verse 9.
listen to the Lord who created you, the one who formed you says, Do not be afraid for I have
ransomed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine, you are precious to me, you
are honored and I love you. Isaiah 43 1- 4