The Rapture
I know that God commands us
to love, but sometimes we let
hurt get in our way;
I know that it is best to forgive,
though often the forgiven
again betray;
I know that love
is greater than hate, and can
conquer fear, loneliness and
defeat—yet, I sense a world
so divided, that love seems
in constant retreat….
Therefore, I pray Love, remain
strong for us—more powerful
than your weary man; for you,
Precious Love, are Life’s golden
treasure, within whose comforting
warmth your loyal children gather
and stand; for when this generation
is nearly spent...left for them few
grains of Time’s dripping sand--
Dear Lord, our All Loving Lord,
Lift us brightly from this place
of death, taking the veil from
our weeping eyes, returning us
to thy sacred skies….