The Real Me
Bottled up and locked away
Is where I want my heart to stay
Do they know that I've been crying
Do they know I'm slowly dying
I seek comfort but can't find it
I won't give you my injured heart
In fear that you will tear it apart
Don't tell me that you love me
Please don't say you care
For I don't have the love to spare
Now I must tell you, in a most honest tone
I am depressed, suicidal, and alone
Will you still love me
When you find out what I've done
Or when you find that I am gone
Will you still love me
When you learn that it was me
Who took my own life just to be set free
Free of all the pain and depression
Free of all the emotional suppression
Will you still love me
When you're crying and alone
Or when you think of me
And how happy we might be