The Real You
The Real You
By Laura Malmstrom
As the moon rises above the trees
I hear the raindrops on the roof playing their lullaby
You lie next to me; your soul bared naked
The real you.
As you fall asleep to rhythmic drum of the rain
Your armor melts away and your body betrays your heart
You put your arms around me, pulling me closer
The real you.
As you dream of things ne’er to be recalled
Words unspoken revealed in mere murmurs
You speak those truths you deny by day; you confess your need
The real you.
As you toss and turn in the hours before the dawn
You pull me unbidden into a passionate kiss
Content now to sleep ‘til dawn, you hold me tight against you
The real you.
As I ponder the deceptive nature of the night
The darkness emerges as a well of truth
You lie next to me, your soul bared naked
The real you.