The Reality of It
Translucent Light
Sable Soul
Looked into your depths
Found false hope
Reality Is not what I was told
The harshness was what I was shown
Built up while you destroyed
Succumbing to your onslaught
Duped by words
Fooled with flesh
Looks like i'd never been seen before
Your earthen eyes
Tore a hole straight through
Bore down to my very core
Your effervescence diffused my demure demeanour
The lilt of your step
The gambol of your stride
The opulence of your form
The eloquence with which you poured forth the I love yous
The prophetic visions of our future
All clouded the murmured demise
The imbroglio of our current affairs
Misplaced feelings
Love eludes
My feelings true
My love yous real
My existence reveals the guise of your love towards the chosen
Your location makes me no more than a fanciful dalliance
Bucolic setting is your gift
Mine is a life unraveled
Unable to move forward
Incapable of turning back
your doleful forbearance of words
Drives home your intent with more fury than a blade
You don't love me
You don't love him
You love you