The Recruiter
The saving of lost souls.
That should be every Christians’ goal.
Bring them to the Lord one by one.
Till this earthly battles done.
Teach them of our Saviors love.
Tell them about Heaven and the beauty of.
Help to guide them in their flight.
And how Jesus is their guiding light.
If you love the Lord with all your heart.
You will surely do your part.
Reach out to the young and old.
Tell them what the next life holds.
Teach them how Jesus tells us to pray.
The Lord is my shepherd is how I start my day.
Seek the Lord in all you do.
He’s what makes our dreams come true.
And if you feel an emptiness.
You haven’t asked the Lord to share His bliss.
Be born again, made all anew.
When you find the Lord you’ll know it’s true.
I thank the ones that lead me.
And opened my eyes so I could see.
Jesus forgives us of our sins.
But you have to ask Him in.
He is the best friend I’ve ever had.
He accepted me knowing I’d been bad.
Give Him a chance make today your day.
That’s about all I have to say.