Love Poem: The Red Diamond
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Written by: Hilda Greenhough

The Red Diamond

His heart would flutter, so in love was he.
She was smart, well-read, and a great beauty
So under the moon, on his bended knee, 
He pleaded with her, "Will you marry me?"

The answer, "yes", he was relieved to hear,
Then they both decided the time next year.
"But your diamond takes longer, true, I  fear."
He rued the remark that saddened his dear.

"Oh, it will be shipped to you by and by.
'Bout ten years", he said, for he could not lie.
"It's a rare red diamond that I did buy,
And lodged in an asteroid in the sky."

"When the rock flies near to our planet's place,
We will send up a rocket to its face,
So we can dig out the gems from its base,
And you will wear a ring from outer space".