The Red Umbrella
The Red Umbrella
Incessantly the rain poured down
It’s thrum continued as a song
The street, a wet and somber scene
A ghetto with an ashen view
But held in contrast to to the sight
A red umbrella has a mate
The hand that holds it very tight
A bedraggled body underneath
A poor and homeless soulful waif
She found it in the trash at night
Emitting color in the filth
She smiled at it despite her fate
A man approached her with relief
He lost it on his way to work
Relinquishing it she shed a tear
But he told her not to despair
He had a place for her to stay
Into his home with total bliss
His umbrella meant as much to him
A talisman to nuture love
Ralph Sergi© November 4, 2018