The Rescuer
How far would you go to rescue someone?
There was a story told about a baby elephant trapped in a dry water hole.
The mother and herd of elephants tried to rescue the baby but was unable to do so.
They refused to leave the baby in the hole along. They begin to sound the trumpets as though they were calling for help. They begin to get louder and louder until the whole village begin to wonder what was wrong with the elephants this early in the morning.
Their trumpet sound waked up the whole village and some of them went to investigate.
They were cautious in approaching the elephants because in such panic, they felt that the elephants were sure to charge them.
They begin to get closer and closer in order to see what was going on.
Finally they got in a place where they could see the baby in the hole, struggling trying to get out.
The baby was getting weaker and weaker and the elephants were sounding as though they were crying.
The elephants would not risk getting down in the hole because it would endanger themselves and the baby also.
Finally, the men decided to get a little closer to see if the elephants would allow them to get the baby out of the hole.
When the elephants seen the men, they move over to the side and though they were saying, “Help us”.
To make a long story short, it took hours and hours for the men to get the right equipment in order to lift the baby out of the hole.
When they finally lift the baby out his mother ran to him and made a cheerful sound as though she was saying, "My Baby is safe again"!
As the elephants begin to venture back into the forest, the mother elephant looked back as though she was saying thank you for rescuing my baby.
The question is how far would you go the rescue someone?
Well, isn’t that what God did for us? He rescued us from the hole that we were in, sending His Son in order to bring us out and setting us on solid ground. So let us look back and say thank you to Him, the Father God our Rescuer.