The Ring -Part 3- the Conclusion
How could he be so disloyal, they had always been so close, and that was why to seek
revenge she took an overdose.
He was supposed to call and see her, it was timed so she'd be safe, but he got held up
somewhere else, and help came just too late.
The funeral was almost over, as she was fast forwarded to her grave, in time to see her
boyfriend in a furious angered rage.
"Why did you do this, after all we'd said and done, you knew how much I loved you, that
you're my only one,
I could of saved her don't you know, if I had been on time, stopped death from taking her
away, and she would still be mine,
I was on my way to see her, but had forgotten an important thing, that day I had been
shopping, Paige helped me chose an engagement ring"
He stepped closer to the edge, looking down his tears fell on the lid, he took the ring he
had bought for her, saying "to you this ring I give"
He dropped the ring upon the casket, it glistened in the dark, "forever as this ring
glistens here, so do you in my broken heart"
She had been such a fool, she knew she could not linger, and as she prepared to pass to
the other side, the ring manifested on her finger.
She could not leave without saying words from her heart, though she had no idea where or
how her last message should start,
"Before I go I need to say a few words, though I know they will not hear, I'm sorry I was
such a fool, ruled by jealousy and fear,
I will watch from up above, and you all I will protect, if I can not love you in this
world, I will love you in the next".