The Road Taken
Reminders of looking back the other way
Impossible to recall 'just' the way we were
Took the road few travel, wiser for it today
And yesterday, took a road to travel away
From here, the angels tears and the silver fir,
Now the Pacific rim sat motionless, dull and silent
No longer quaking, but aware our departure
We found beauty there, but never relent
To find it here, as the molten magma is sent
To engulf in flames those who didn't capture
Magnificence of nature quite as concisely as he,
But trust me, went down that other road too
We find it full of bears, demons, the crocodile be
A terrifying thing, tearing and shredding what we
Dream of at night, under the stars, down to two
The two of us at last out here in the Shires
So much more mellow of a meadow, and a fir
Or two to rest under still, contemplate desires
That still beat in our hearts, perhaps us liars
Find peace, in the end, just me and her.
We took the road...
-Frost Inspired ;)