The Road To My Father's House
The road to my father’s house
is paved with hills and valleys
outstretched horizons
and sunfilled crystal skies
How he loved the land
each slope each field
with a consuming veneration
fueled with layers of history
and virtuous sweat of ancestors
There’s a serenity within me
sublime that swells as I get closer
except my eyes aim higher now
slightly above the horizon
somewhere behind the clouds
above the hills and valleys
AP: 1st place 2022, 2nd place 2022, 3rd place 2020, Honorable Mention 2020
Published in my photo/poetry book ~THE ROAD TO MY FATHER'S HOUSE~ 2019
Submitted on January 3, 2020 for contest STRAND SELECT 3 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - HONORABLE MENTION
Originally posted on August 6, 2019