The Roof
When they were burning the huts outside,
Bringing down the roofs and orphaning those inside...
Unaware and protected from their wrath,
I understood 'love'in your warmth...
When they made a hero out of me,
Irrespective of how ordinary my actions be...
Under your shield, I made the correct choice,
Building character and maintaining poise...
When in everything they saw only my ill,
And inside, i too was loosing my will...
Through that tunnel all darkening,
In your caresses, I kept walking...
My roof, for all your strife,
I owe you much more than my life...
Feel blessed to have you, my roof,
For once God's presence needs no worldly proof...
Dedicated to the people who have done everything in their capacity to help you be what you wanted to be....our Gods on earth!!!