The Root of Inspiration
I set out on a quest today,
Compelled to write a poetic story,
I thought perhaps I’d write about,
The mind in its’ infinite glory,
While philosophizing life
I wondered, what is inspiration?
So I continued on my noble journey,
Through the minds vast imagination,
I was full of motivation,
As I made my faithful way,
And neurological obstacles,
Kept getting in my way,
Soaring through the universe,
I came unto a vibrant light,
As i set my hand upon it,
I was filled with divine insight,
The gleaming light then vanished,
And an angel had appeared,
Dressed in a robe of white,
Dawned with a halo in her hair,
A silky voice then asked me,
Is it knowledge you require?
She said again as if she’d known,
Then ask what you desire,
I was wondering where it was,
That inspiration is derived,
Then as I came unto the light,
I’d understood as I arrived.
Copyright © 2009 Zachary Jackson