The Savior
When you lay to waste
all that you have built,
And undo
all that you have learned.
When you are done
wallowing in shame and guilt
and see around you
nothing but darkness;
Come unto me
and I will accept thee.
When you find
no place to hide
and are overwhelmed
by fear and despair,
And in your heart of hearts
you repent for your misdeeds;
Come unto me
and I will forgive thee.
For you are born of me
And unto me thou shalt return--
Meek as a lamb,
Pure and fresh as a snowflake,
Driven not by doubts or desires
But by love and faith.
For I will come once again
with the message of hope, love and peace,
Of harmony and brotherhood.
I'll be born not of flesh and blood
But of your hopes and aspirations,
Not of the salt of any shore
But of air and water.
And I'll lead them all:
Those with trust and faith
And the unfortunates
And the downtrodden
And those who speak differently
And those who see differently
And those with different customs and creed.
To them all
I will bring the good tidings
of Peace and Hope!
~Contest: Inspirational Christian Poetry
~Sponsor: Regina McIntosh.
~"Resurrection of Christ" contest by Isaiah Zerbst