The Sea of Galilee
The mirror of the Sea of Galilee
reflects the contour of the aspen tree.
Nobody’s hung yet, nobody’s betrayed.
Oh, how you love the play of light and shade,
a dace’s quick stroke on the water face,
a shining brilliance of the green ace
of aspen leaf washed by a morning rain,
the friends you teach to walk on sea in vain,
the taste of goat’s milk the local girls
bring you each morning, the infrequent pearls
of words of God you look for in the books
and manuscripts, and frankly, the good looks
of Mary with the eyes of love... The cross,
the pain, the doubts, the loneliness, the gloss
on Roman helmets is a subject of
tomorrow's day. Tranquility and love,
the present simple and indefinite
that’s at the moment all you really need.
What’s all the noise up there? There is a man
calling for Jesus: «Peter sinks again!»