The Seasons of Life
An old gentleman stood looking around,
At the resting place of his beloved wife.
He bent over and put a bouquet down,
And sang to her about the seasons of life.
My love in Spring we met as doves calling,
We raised flowers under Summer sun,
We gazed upon dry Autumn leaves falling,
Now Winter’s bitter chill has just begun.
The old gentleman with his head bowed down,
Treasuring years he shared with his loving wife,
Humbly knelt on that soft new holy ground,
Singing to her about the seasons of life.
Your love will warm me when Winter’s looming,
Autumn leaves will remind me of you,
In Summer blossoms I’ll see you smiling,
The dove’s coo in Spring will cry “I love you.”
Walking away as the sun was setting,
A sad silhouette against the purple sky,
He recalled the day of their sweet wedding,
As lonely and silent tears fell from his eyes.
As he went back to their beautiful home,
There were no Summer blooms to gather,
Winter’s breeze blew autumn leaves o’er the lawn,
Yearned to hear doves cooing in the meadow.
There are seasons in life.