The Second I Kiss You
I wonder what is going through your mind
Is it exactly what I’m thinking?
Do you want me? Do you want me?
This very moment as we speak
Do you feel like you’re missing something?
Does your nights alone seem
More unbearable… More unbearable…
Knowing that I’m not by your side?
Well honey, you’re not alone
For I too share your pain
But I’ll wait for the day
When I come face to face with you…
My darling…
The second I kiss you that will be the
First step that I take with you…
Once my arms wrap around your waist
That will mean that you’ll never be…
Alone again!
No longer will I allow your mind to be plagued
For you don’t deserve that fate for long
I love you… I love you…
And that alone will bring me to you
So let those thoughts of yours subside
Relax both your mind and your body
I am coming… I am coming…
Just as long as you have faith in me
The time when we meet
Might first be unexpected
But trust me when I say,
“Forever my love, I’ll stay with you”
My darling…
The second I kiss you that will be the
Step taken towards eternity with you…
A look into your eyes will be enough
To assure that my days spent with you…
Will be happy!
And I wait for the day
When I come face to face with you…
My darling…
The second I kiss you that will be the
First step that I take with you…
Once my arms wrap around your waist
That will mean that you’ll never be…
Alone again!
I am giving you my heart, my soul, everything just to…
Be with you!