The Secret About Fairytales
Ill tell you a secret about fairytales,
I know not often enough, but sometimes they come true,
and sometimes a woman meets a man,
who seems to have come right out a book.
He is all the things she has ever dreampt of,
she thinks he is too good to be true,
she falls in love with all of his qualities,
and even learns to cherish his flaws,
and he does the same for her,
He makes her feel like every star in the sky,
exists to burn just for her,
oh and I know that most people stop beliving,
they let their hopes be tarnished,
their dreams fall apart,
and their belief in true love be banished,
But there is a secret they should know,
The secret is to have faith that men exist,
who can make you believe all the things you gave up believing.
So believe in love, believe in yourself, believe your beautiful and believe in magic,
for love is the magic of all hearts.