The Secret Place
A place you can go
when hurt breaks you so
Retreat within,find the key
for there are many keys
to the secret place
Key for hurt and pain
Key for imagination
Key for magical lands
The secret place,
the key ,the door,
only you know what its for
Go within your self and explore,
you are the keeper,
you know where to go,
to the door where gentleness will flow
The secret place
Your door, many keys
Key to unlock your heart
Key to love again
Key to experience loss and pain
Key to live and breathe again
Many keys you can hold,
but only one door,
you decide,not told,
The key you want and what its for
Dont carry too many keys,
for the keys are heavy in hand
and heavy in heart
The key of pain and loss,
the heaviest of all
The key of happiness,
delicate and fine,
made with pure golden sunshine
Carry this key to your secret place
the best key of all
The key of love does'nt have a key
merely warmth
for this door doesn't need a key
for there is no door to love
Love is all around,
not in one secret place,
but in all of us,
wells from within,
flowing from the heart
the secret place