The Show
Did you ever go to a Theatre and see a double feature?
One sight an auditorium to see maybe a western and a horrible creature.
We all at one time or another have been to one these I’m sure.
Last time I went it was a mystery and another about a doctor and his cure.
Bear with me I’ll explain we as carnal men are in the end of the second feature.
The first movie if you will was the Exodus, freedom for all men God’s creatures.
A gift given to God’s chosen people a gift to cherish and nurture.
Living simply, the children of Israel had at that point a bright loving future.
Here came the first stumbling block, the evil one, the master deceiver arrives amongst men.
He tricks men to make false idols, revel and play, they transgressed and here desolation begins.
Satan has come to earth amongst men so his first feature is accomplished and hence the second one has come.
The here and now, famine, pestilence, greed, vanity, all the killings with their bombs.
Our Father knows all he explains and tells all’ “Us” to be vigil, watch for His return, Here His call’
Yet we fail as carnal men to hear it we ignore the Holy Bible, the spiritual way to all.
We as men have never abided by the first commandment.
“Thou shall not kill’” so now the Lord is showing heavenly signs, He tells “Us” He’s angry and adamant.
So now the second show is upon “Us” man knows the devil is amongst man, He’s alive and well.
His time is short so out of fury He’s going to make this tribulation happen, a true living hell.
God our Father knows this; He always has and through Love He gives
“Us” the Holy Bible.
All God asks of “Us” is to have faith in Jesus, have a spiritual love.
A perfect Lord showing His compassion, His spiritual dove.
Understanding in the beginning it was the “Word”.
The ending is proclaimed in Doctrine, so the second feature will end with peace, love, harmony, all because God does love carnal man, sending Jesus His Son our Lord.