The Silence Speaks
Once sitting on the roof-top at 2 o' clock midnight
I heard the silence and depth of love,
where the silence whispers'
and the deepness calms,
What I heard, is the relation of true love.
Through the silence of this darkness,
and through the dark of this deepness..
what i realized at that very moment,
the real meaning of love.
once sitting on the roof-top at 2 o' clock midnight,
I felt the wind touching me as my love..
where the softness soothes
and the warmth grows,
what i felt the real touch of my love.
Through the softness of this warmth,
and through the warmth of this touch,
what I felt at that very moment,
the kiss from my love.
once sitting on the roof-top at 2 o' clock midnight,
I saw the darkness shinning at my love,
where the darkness glaze,
and the shinning glamours,
what I felt the real passion for my love.
Through the darkness that glaze,
and through the glamour that shines,
what i realized at that very moment...
those beautiful eyes, the wealth of my love.