The Simplest Smile
It only takes the simplest smile
to make someone yours
and don't be surprised if
everything turns out well;
sometime an unexpected smile
can start an unquenchable fire!
Don't ever impress anyone
by thinking that you are invincible,
and there are no others
sexier or more beautiful;
does someone always falls
for external beauty,instead
of what is really inside?
Does anyone stare with lustful eyes,
and suddenly fantasize...
to have found the perfect one?
It takes only the simplest smile
to attract somebody so nice,
who'll share your same ideals...
to weave amazing dreams
without a web of lies on the unfaithful mind;
can you find that one in a millions of souls?
After you start giving everything,
be sure you you don't wind up with nothing;
don't be deceived by a false appearance...
don't be impressed,if that is just a pretense!