The Soothing Breeze
Grieving is inevitable,
It rends your heart
It washes away your hurt
It fills you with sorrow
For all those missed opportunities
To tell someone you love them,
To hold the hand of a loved one,
To share a drink with a friend
To let them know you will be there
Until the very end.
Losing is part of life,
It fills you with determination
It lets you know where you went wrong
It fills you with new purpose
To in future make it right.
To take that road less travelled
To follow the scarier path
To back the man of inginuity
To try something different and new
Until succusses abunantly brew.
Sympathy though is appreciated
Sometimes comes too late
Why not cherrish those you have now
Why not give that little bit more now
Before the dark cloud of loss arrives.
Taking away the one you loved
Severing ties you thought were solid
Breaking hearts once encased in rock
Stunting the will of the intelligent
Throwing us all out of our element.
And just when we think all is lost
The soothing breeze of spring
Enters our lives
Renewing our faith, and our love
And healing, our once broken hearts
Giving us time to cherrish
Even the rising sun,
The pitter patter of feet,
The chitter chatter of loved ones,
And cleaving to our breasts the battles we have won.
The soothing breeze comfort
That blows daily in my life
Is a soothing balm to my pain
Is a calming essence in the face of strife
Helps me out weigh my loss with my gain.
Lift your face one day,
And let it blow through you,
Let it fill your lungs,
And whisper through your hair,
For its the creator's way of saying
"I care!"