The Soulful Whisper of Love's Promise
At nineteen the tender sorrow of love’s
Unrequited promise
Hurts like a scream in a dark vacant night
But what of the thirty something? Is not the sound
Of the soulful whisper
Of love’s promise to twine two hearts
Torn as much by good-bye to the souls very depths?
And also, what of those of other ages in loves’ grasp
When the tangle of whispered promises collapse?
It too is full of the anguished breath of stabbing sorrow
How many times of truly loving another with passion
Shall the ticking clock take in a lifetime
Before the whisper of love’s forever promise
Becomes the breath of a lover’s forever touch of connection?
As long and as often as I have breath to speak
I will endure the price for loves soulful whispering ways
All for the possibility of love’s tender touch against my skin
One in Four Poetry Contest
Chose #1 quote "The Soulful Whisper of Love's Promise
Written: 8-6-2019