The Soulmate
Everyone they say, has a soulmate in a way
Those lucky have met, or will meet theirs some day
The rest might really never know, what true love is
Love knocks on their door, not to enter but to tease
The soulmate is an angel, in form of a person
One with whom you can share, the same kind of passion
Men have conquered the world, only to find it not enough
What they were really looking for, was someone to love
God made man, then a woman from his lib
That’s why men feel for women, a love so deep
But men took love for granted, in favor of their greed
They betrayed their hearts, and the love marching ceased
Mankind survived centuries, through plagues sleeping on floors
The soulmate hardly existed, throughout famines and wars
Men bled for their kings, thousands dying of broken hearts
Without their soulmate present, they died impoverished like rats
By the time peace and prosperity, found mankind again
Men were faced with, a new kind of reality and pain
Just when they could afford, to flirt and share some laughs
The availability of the soulmate, depended on economic graphs
So that men could only marry, women they could afford
The soulmate was again betrayed, and love again was flawed
Still there were those very brave, who dared to still believe
They must meet their soulmate, and wipe away their grief
The soulmate knows you better, than yourself and beyond
The soulmate and you, are two peas in a pond
Without the soul mate, you are a face lost in the crowd
But you stand out from the rest, when your soulmate is around
The soulmate is worth, more than riches and gold
You can’t place value on someone, with whom to laugh till your old
Sadly not everyone of us, will find his or hers
More than riches and gold, the soulmate is scarce.