The Sound of Loving You
The silence so loud
The screaming inside me so quiet
The empty words in which I drown
Sense they are yet still so silent
Because they haven't been said to you
Never knowing anymore what to do
Or how to let go
Need to pour my heart out to you so that you will finally know
Do I have my heart sing
Or allow the pain from here and out cling
To my soul
And I'm now not so sure
If I could ever let you go
I just don't know
The sound of nothing
Nothing makes a sound
Not even my heart that
Keeps falling forcefully to the ground
I look around
And all I see
Is my loneliness that lately has
Seemed to constantly surround me
Have to somehow reach you again
So I can say this and no longer hold it all in
Get it out there no more do I want to pretend
Maybe just maybe then...
The silence would quiet
The screaming would be loud
And perhaps everything for me
Would once again make a sound
I could then look around
And see
What I seem to desperately need to be
The love that keeps happening between you and me