Love Poem: The Sound of Silence
Victor Buhagiar Avatar
Written by: Victor Buhagiar

The Sound of Silence

This scribble has nothing to do with the famous song of Simon and Garfunkel.  It's just a story I invented. 


I bought a cottage in the middle of nowhere,
Right at the edge of the countryside,
Any curious men rarely visited it,
So I stocked it well with food
And worked all alone on my laptop
Electric poles provided current.
So I could enjoy the peace
Within the sound of silence.

I had left the cities full of noise,
Only songbirds broke the silence of the site,
But that I could bear well enough.
Within the sound of silence.

Winter came and soon I was snowbound.
That’s when a knock sounded on my door.
Reluctantly I opened up my place.
There, on the threshold stood a woman
All drenched up and with flimsy clothes.
Her beauty stunned me. I let her in.
My car has stopped, she stammered.
So I sent her up to have a hot bath,
Gave her my dressing gown and invited her
To partake in a hot chicken broth 
and some ill-prepared food.
And all this was done as I stood
Mute but mesmerised by her allure
For it was the time for silence.

Bad weather kept her imprisoned in my home,
Few words were exchanged
But she felt the power of silence.

A week later, the countryside was clear of snow.
She phoned a garage to pick up her car.   
Then I decided to take her on the river,
How beautiful she looked in her proper clothes.
We got in a boat and paddled away to an islet.
We disembarked and partook of a picnic she had prepared
We spoke little but we came close.
She smiled and timidly I kissed her for the first time.
I felt my heart throbbing but all was quiet
Within the sound of silence.

We married a year later and eventually
The cottage was soon filled 
With the crying of a newborn sound.
We were elated and made such a fuss.
Gone was the sound of silence.