The Spirit of Allah through the Variety of Mediums Part 2
II. The Stage is Set
As I slept, I did not dream; when I woke up, it felt like the time had gone from one minute to the next. Restlessness was my rest; all I could feel was a profound tiredness. It is not purely physical as it is spiritual. Walking each day has been a journey that only wants to end until the memory of Frost and his Snowy Evening plays in my mind. “I have miles to go before I sleep.” At the time, I was downtrodden in a funk. Even my friends could not tell of the pain. Only a few select could delay the pain. Two of them are still in contact with me. A previous relationship that fell apart before it could ripen into happiness was the scenario that brought this sadness. A friend made her sound to be great and worthy of my time. Well, the red flags made of crimson blood started to show after the first date.
The person was of pure hate, false pride, lies, and no communication. A comment of hatred and racism was what came out of her mouth. It shocked my mind and heart like a bolt of lightning. To be around a person that was full of this narcissism was overbearing. Especially when I do not condone the values of a malicious dog. As the days went by, I wanted to allow her to speak, but my interest started to fall when no response was given. Then, I left her for her words, actions, and lack of communication. My friend asked me about her; I could only tell her the truth. She was shocked, and in time, she no longer respected her friend's daughter. Sometimes, Yahweh will have you see the true face of a person as they can mask themselves through a handheld medium. One opportunity for reconciliation was given to her; however, her words were not of an apology and were of pure evil. Even my friend would call her out in front of her mother about her racist beliefs and her disrespect for me. Speaking in a manner of ignorance about her beliefs to my friend was no excuse, as she was still racist. If being in your family's house is wrong, then the passage made by the PEOPLE OF THE BOOK is bad, which is the honor of your family will make your days longer on their land. Family is unity; it is evident that jealousy was her other Sin.
Never feel sorry for yourself.
Feel the pity for them.
They cause pain for you.
Only pray for them
Of course, prayer does not mean letting them get away with their actions. Allow the prayer to ask the divine not to let them go through the same pain they caused you. Even a diet Coke at 0400 hours hurts the heart. Preferisco, una Pepsi.
Let the person of pure hate be beside herself
Let the person that has wronged us be by themselves
They offer only sadness
They are nothing but the stumbling block that was in our path