The Story of a Boy & a Girl
Here was a boy
& there was a girl,
He was shy
& she was pearl,
The girl never loved the boy
but the boy always loved the girl,
The boy was fine
& the girl was divine,
It was a day when he started loving her
& since then its she,she and her,
How it started ,he doesn't know
But he wishes to end it in a way so she can know,
So the boy wishes to say to the girl
For the boy wishes the wellness of the girl,
Not to go to the boy
but to go where she finds her joy,
And the boy requests to the creator of all....
To give his girl the joy of all
And the boy requests to the creator of all....
To give him strength to face it all,
Coz here is the boy & here is the same girl,
The girl may never love the boy
but the boy will always love the girl,
& that's how ends the story of a boy and a girl.
For Heer