The Stranger In Her Skin
There is a stranger in my skin,
I don't quite know her
but she is trying to let me
know who she is.
Sometimes I feel her, very close,
if only to reach out my hand
I could feel her, know her.
Other days, she is hidden, lost,
in the shadow of the monsters
who reside with her.
Some days I am afraid they'll get her
and never again shall I know her,
one day the shadow will cover her
eclipse her starlight
and no longer will she find her way.
Some days she steals my eyes in the mirror
for just a moment
I see her before...those eyes,
turn back into that of the monster.
Sometimes I feel her gentle touch;
a leaf touching down in an empty forest
with only me there to see.
I wish I could be her some days.
She's the one they look up to?
The one they believe in?
But slowly, she slips through.
My hand, that was so close to holding hers.
That empty space between my fingers,
mocks me, will it ever be filled?
The stranger, she smiles sadly,
but still..she smiled.
She tries to keep the monsters held down
but they are growing to big.
Casting their shadows
will we ever again escape our mind?