The Struggle
Life at times is a cruel bi**h.
She taunts and takes and thwarts
and we struggle to just survive.
One. More. Day.
Like an evil Mistress, a sadist you did not want.
Pleasure becomes pain, happy becomes hopeless,
in the blink of an eye.
And when you can bear no more,
you ponder the why.
Yet in that moment there is realization,
that what was truly lost,
was you.
So dearest one, take heart.
You are still there.
Mayhaps buried so deeply that all seems lost.
Yet I stand with you, side by side.
Partners in life.
And in one hand I hold yours.
Firmly. Lovingly. Sportively.
And in the other hand,
a shovel.
I shall dig with you.
We will go as deep as we must,
long into the darkness of a moonless night.
Sweat. Pain. Tears. Aches.
Yet we shall endure.
Until the treasure that is you
is found once more.
And then, still together,
we will celebrate.
Warren NightWolf – 10-21-19
Free Verse, 162 words