The Suffering Savior
He came to this earth and was born with one purpose of heart and mind
To call sinners to repentance that in Him mercy and grace we might find
He willingly laid down His life for us taking the wrath of God the Father
That we might receive forgiveness and be called His sisters and brothers.
He was hated and rejected by His own creation the very people He came to love
He knew about sorrow and grief for He was even forsaken by His Father above
He was hung on the cross to die for sin evidenced by the nail prints in His hands
Because He became our sin offering now in Him justified before God we stand.
He was raised from the dead to prove the price for our redemption had been paid
It was God’s way of saying through Him the only way to heaven had been made
We can be born again into God’s family through faith in His death on the cross
We are given the free gift of salvation in Him and are no longer eternally lost.
He was called a tender plant growing up out of dry ground not a lot left to say
He had no outward beauty or stature that would attract you to look His way
He came once as a humble servant, laying aside His deity was no little thing
He will come a second time as the Victorious, Conquering, and Sovereign King.
He gives life to all who will believe in Him there is salvation in no other name
He alone is the savior, before Him we stand as guilty sinners everyone is the same
One day he will judge the wicked, and they will be sent away into outer darkness
All because they would not believe in Him and accept His love and forgiveness.