The Super Souper
Her golden heart is shining,
Her love is everywhere.
Her comments make our day,
And are sweet as an éclair.
She supports all the poets,
With a love shining so bright.
PoetrySoup wouldn’t be the same,
Without Sharon on its’ site.
To be the community giant,
We’re all that mountain climber.
But will we beat the points,
Earned by Sharon Weimer?
She’s always on her game,
Blessing us with her time.
Raising the bar so high,
For all us poets to climb.
She’s leads the PS pack,
She’s a fantastic word trooper.
We are blessed to be graced by,
Sharon Weimer, the super souper.
Dedicated to Sharon Weimer,
for her caring and supportive heart,
that blesses us timelessly.