The Surge of Ecstasy
Reaching the dead end of the broken road of hope
my introvert mind took a forced nonchalant view,
of life poised in a precarious state, trying to grope
with the unique pathway to take me to a destination new.
From within I heard someone say, "go gallivanting around,
acquiesce to the timely dictate of the dormant desire".
So, travelling across the wasteland, surprised I found
you in dewed meadow, sprinting with finesse in spring air.
Trailing your firm footprints I traced for me a new path,
the rising sun splashing colors on your shimmering face,
took me to the place where the first love takes birth.
In our dawn rendezvous dreams spread arms to embrace.
My mind was swept away by the surge of ethereal ecstasy,
I then knew where my life on wheel of time would take me.
May 7, 2018.