The Sweetness of Jesus
The Sweetness Of Jesus
The sweetness of Jesus means so much to me!
I once was blind… But now I can see!
The sweetness of Jesus has brought fulfillment.
It’s given to me peace, hope and contentment!
The sweetness of Jesus has done many things!
I’m grateful with the beauty that it also brings!
The sweetness of Jesus… There’s nothing to compare!
It is awesome and wonderful and is everywhere!
The sweetness of Jesus is what I truly need!
It will complete my life! Yes! Indeed!
The sweetness of Jesus can be yours for the asking!
It can bring to you a life that’s everlasting!
The sweetness of Jesus… You cannot measure!
It’s wonderful and a priceless treasure!
The sweetness of Jesus can be yours today!
Why not get alone with HIM
and begin to pray???
Salvation from Jesus as a gift freely given!
It can change you now!
And the way you’re livin’!
A moment with Jesus is time well spent!
Why not come to him now?
And humbly repent?
Living forever with Jesus is the reason that he came!
Won’t you reach out to him?
And call on HIS name???
By Jim Pemberton