The Swing
The Swing
Writing from the porch now.
I am down to paper and pen.
Rocky will not let me
have anything else.
He insists on all of my time
there is little or none
left for rhyme
these days.
He calls my name in the morning "Ma, ma"
He calls my name in the eve. "Ma, ma"
He knows how to train me well.
He has put me under his spell,
and I have already fallen
in love.
It took only one time
to hold him close in my arms.
He has such magical charms.
My husband and I,
We now celebrate...
each day a new.
We are parents of a big boy now
and he is home.
He is our first kid.
We are so proud.
He is
one of many...
to follow
but none will be as cool
for me... as the first!
At least that is true until
the next.