The Symptoms of Love
As I Browse through her pictures for hours I Fantasize about the Love
we could make staring with a Shocking Expression on my face as if
she were standing in front of me Who Is She Where Is She and What
Does She Look Like She is a Figment of my Imagination a Dream or a Fantasy
that I want so Desperately to come True Is she hiding will she let it be known
that she feels the way that I do will she give me a sign this is what I am asking
Love that is not spoken of will never see the Light Of Day Therefore I scream
out to the World to let my search be known for my one True Love I ask that you
answer me so that me and you can Unite never will I let her slip away she is
treated with a Desirable amount of Respect she is my everything and she is
the last the last and only Woman to hold the Key the Key which I've held for
so very long a Magical Key with this Key she controls my inner Life my Spirit
my Mind and my Soul It is the Key to my Heart Deep inside my chest her
name is written on my Heart as if it were a Tattoo.