The Tale of Betty Vautour
This is the tale of Betty Vautour
Who took on a lover at age forty-four.
Stormed out of the house
With soft-spoken curse,
In nightdress and slippers,
Cosmetics and purse.
What was she thinking? I'll never know.
Into the arms of a drunkard named Joe,
A no-good-for-nuthin,
Unemployable bum,
Who'd wash down a six pack
With Seven Seas rum.
And Darrell, poor Darrell, truck driver by trade,
Delivering milk for the money he made.
All for his family,
Betty and kids,
Keeping them clothed,
And food in the fridge.
When he asked her why, she did not hesitate.
"There's only so much baloney I'll take.
With you, there was no
Matrimonial bliss.
I got tired of watching
Friends cuddle and kiss."