The Theory of a Plaintive Music
The equanimity of the day reached beyond my solitary realm,
As if the tune of demise fathomed the doleful heart of mine;
Escaped from the autistic aftermath blamed by mordacious charm,
Healed beyond charade of some credulous bonds -
As if the tune of avow choired with the tune of demise,
Crowning an arena slewed by the tune of ravine;
Vehement boo outstayed by the tune of shush,
I composed the time with the music of lenience -
Odes so lined are tuned with feigned mash.
A ho-hum of hilarity hemmed in beyond my soulful eyes,
As if the malign sang by the oneirisms couched yearses;
Once paroled from the time, that seemed so dour, by the unforeseen lies,
Parroted beyond acme of agape love –
As if the song of idiom sinned by the song sung by malign,
Ceased a chronicle defied by the song of revival,
Eyeses esteemed bequeathed by the song of rash,
I composed the journey with the song of lenience –
Odes so lined are sung with bereft gush.
Topic: Tolerance