The Tide
Every life ebbs and flows just like the tide
We all have laws and rules we have to abide
Written by political figures and lawyers in our courts
Some of us simply follow what we've been taught
These laws are true and just, but I write of different rules
Rules that are within us all, not taught in any school
They are of free thought and ideas that spring from love
Dreams that are sent from our guides up above
Rules of respect, honour and a good sense of pride
Are within us all but a select few keep hidden inside
Its these rules I live by through out my day to day life
If any are broken it starts all the trouble and strife
To smile and greet everybody that's happy to greet you
Learn new lessons and to believe in what's true
Honour the people who travel down life's bumpy streets
Respect loved ones with laughter at their feasts
To say sorry when you've done something bad
It heals the soul and makes things better not sad
So you see we all have laws and rules we have to abide
As every life ebbs and flows with the tide