The Titanic That Survived
It started it's journey with grace,
venturing into the ocean formed by
droplet of happiness,sorrow,good,evil,
love,wisdom,birth,death,to be ultimately
called by one single name,The Ocean of Life.
Packed with boarders who were beautiful poets,
this majestic Queen had one little difference,
the boarders were crew themselves,who with their
constant individual effort kept this vessel moving forward.
It was all going well,until in some unfortunate way,
petty differences proliferated almost amongst the entire crews,subliminally
perceiving themselves as boarders,they
forgot their true roles and unconsciously steered the
vessel into the perilous region of the iceberg.
The fateful day finally arrived,when the collision occurred,
the distress signal was about to be given,when
some brave crews proclaimed their intention to steer
this vessel to the nearest land,inspired by this act of
courage all the others joined in putting aside their
differences and somehow the vessel survived.
Still recovering from the effect of the collision,this
injured Queen is repaired by the same old crews and some
fresh energetic new ones,but suddenly the same old problems
have crawled out again,exploring the history of the past incident,
a lonely crew somehow notices them and decides to share his warning message.
Inspired by Sir Dementrios's excellent poem "In the name of God"
I would hate to see this pure poetic sanctuary be tainted by some petty wars among poets.Please poets cast aside your differences and inhale the scent of the heavenly breeze that flows in this place.