The Tracks of Life
I was once a little train, sitting by the track,
Listening to the freight yard’s roar and all the rushing clack
When one day came steaming by an engine large and brave
My heart did a quiver leap, my wheels a twitter gave
Every day when passing by, the more our friendship grew
With each fleeting whistle blast, and more each time it blew
Then one day in passing, upon his track I went
Joyfully to meet him, from wither he was sent
Blasting from the distance, an airy cloud of steam
I rushed forth to meet him, the engine of my dream
Then with shock and wonder, my joy was gone alack!
For though we both were meeting, he wasn’t on my track
Off into the distance, he chugged and puffed away
Sweeping with him pieces of my broken heart that day
Often now I wonder, will he come anon?
Or was this a chance meeting, and now again he’s gone?
The tracks of life are tangled, in the freight yard of our race
We meet other engines that hold both heart and place
How to live? I wonder, when through our lives there sail
Many other engines, that aren’t upon our rail
Will we grow quite bitter, when those meetings on the tracks
Seem to mock the aching heart for all the love it lacks?
May each little engine take heed to what I bade
This life below is scattered, with meetings on the grade
Take each passing whistle not as one of gloom
Pushing back the others, and making itself room
I will always cherish, that engine bold and brave
Remembering now with fondness, the joy to me he gave
But now into the distance, I hear upon the breeze
That fleeting cry of freedom, upon which my heart did seize
Once every while, I gaze sadly down his track
But in my little engine heart, he’s never coming back
And so I hold those memories close, and never do I fail
For God had a reason for our meeting on the rail