The Truest Red
Red lost and red fears
Red loneliness and red tears
To whom whoever it may concern
Today marks a lesson learned
Mistaken words shouldn't be said
They turn blue cares into red
One sentence that wasn't right
Now alone, I sit tonight
Red sorrow makes red pain
Red walls make red shame
Everyone's different in their perspective
So my apology was not accepted
Red burnt, this I am
Not perfect, but just a man
Now never I'm to feel for the unknown
Till the truest colors are clearly shown
Reds brittle than red breaks
Red worries that red mistakes
All answers are rainbow frost
Like what it is to feel lost
And can I ever care again
Or have my warm colors, come to end
So what was too good to be true
Was red as worried, and not blue
Red hurt and red shades
Red is here but red fades