Love Poem: The Truth
Anthony Ngabwe Avatar
Written by: Anthony Ngabwe

The Truth

He stood up in court of law and said –
I swear to speak the truth, nothing but the truth
The whole truth, so help me Lord - the truth?
Whose truth, your truth or my truth or his truth
Because you’re truth, my truth and his truth are often n contractions
I am telling you the truth; maybe you need to examine your truth

She looked me into the eyes-said are you cheating on me
The question was cause by her curiosity in my phone,
The text message said – I LOVE YOU, no name attached to it
Her truth was for me to admit that I was cheating on her
But my truth, was that cheating on her-it was just a obsequiousness
So who truth should I tell her, because hers and mine where no truth
 I am telling you the truth; maybe you need to examine your truth

One said kill your enemies for the one you love –
Another one said forgive your enemy for the sake of love
Another one said eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth
Another one said do unto others, what you what to done unto you
Another one said let life and nature takes it course and judgment
They all raised the voices and hands up, saying, they saying the truth
I questioned, whose truth, your truth, my truth, or her truth or thee truth
I am telling you the truth; maybe you need to examine your truth

If your truth is based on some else’s truth – question your truth
If your truth is based on your cultural background-question your truth
If your truth is based on someone’s philosophy or concepts- is it really the truth
If your truth is based on forefathers religion, rituals and thoughts-question it
If your truth is based on make you confortable and conformity – question it
If your truth is based only on your five senses – is it really the truth, question it 
I am telling you the truth; maybe you need to examine your truth
Is the truth a person?
It the truth a thing?
Is the truth an object?
Is the truth words?
Is the truth action?
Is the truth a feeling?
I am telling you the truth; maybe you need to examine your truth
I believe the truth is universal – sun, moon, stars, life and love
I believe the truth is a person – He is the truth (I am that I am)
I believe the truth is birth and death – you are the truth
I believe the truth is a Word demonstrated with action
I believe the truth is life, love, light, water and that which gives life.
I believe the truth is will forever be the TRUTH, regardless how feel or think
I am telling you the truth; maybe you need to examine your truth