The Truth Is In the Silence
Slowly I rise out of my dreams
As my loved one slumbers forth
so trusting, so peaceful in the night
I watch the rising of his breath
and delight in the closeness of his being
Here is the one, the man, the champion of my heart
Without this soul where are the boundaries of my heart -
where do they stop, where do they start?
This love, our love is endless
Like the summer breeze that cools you,
from the rising heat within
As you grasp the reality, the reason
The storm of the tempest that is passion
As he cares to glance my way
once again the fire in my heart soars madly
To think this is my love, this is real, this is true
The ferocity of my love moves like a storm
Ebbing and flowing like the tide
Always constant and vibrant, forever alive
As the stars in the sky shine and the
Moon glows with luminescence
So do the corners of my heart
When I feel the threads of your
outstretched love reach into my being
and stroke my inner soul with your unspoken touch
This silence of communication, this stillness
This is where the truth is....
How real and tender is that which is not said
That which is only felt, perceived as true
That emanates with a look for no-one else
but me and you
Within our silence we exist in our treasured truth
The truth of love, my blessed one,
The truth of life – and how I will always love you