The Truth That Is We
I cannot find the words to free this out
To seek and speak the truth that is we.
I feel the galaxy within reside untapped
As a trapped mind collides with soul
Our eyes are blinded from the whole
Why do we hide...
Why do we hide?
At night I lay awake bathing in the day's dream
As a prey without words speaks out of me,
Stretching towards the universal beam of love..
And love...a home I feel so far from home.
This sound has become unbearable,
silencing me ill of words yet spoken still
A breaking spirit, a healing heart
Yet it is out of spoken art we bare our wounds
And pray too sun and moon too soothe.
As the tide of light battles the lies of self
Why do we run...
Why do we hide?
With eyes alone I cannot see,
Hold my gaze a moment longer please
With words alone I cannot speak,
Embrace my hold a moment longer please...
For it is the truth that is we I seek.