Love Poem: The Unpolished Gem
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Written by: Benjamin Davis

The Unpolished Gem

Many men today will walk away 
from a plain rock that they may come across 
but unlike most men, I know that there's beauty within 
and will keep it while they suffer a loss. 
A diamond to most is reason to brag and to boast 
because it glitters and is lovely to see 
but I'll tell you what, a diamond uncut 
would be passed by most easily. 
A woman to me, is like a diamond you see 
men go for those that other men would like to meet 
but many a guy will pass right by 
a plain woman that is just as lovely and sweet. 
I've found that a plain woman can truly love a man 
so can an obese woman or what ever the case 
if men were truly smart, they'd search a woman's heart 
and not just look for a beautiful face. 
The beauty that men see could lead to treachery 
if true love is not involved 
to find a good women men must look for love not lust 
and truly love her, then their problems would be solved. 
A plain woman you see has inner beauty 
like a diamond that's trapped in a stone 
however, many men hunt a shine or nice body design 
wich is why many men are always alone. 
Let's just face the facts, unless this is how she acts 
there is no such thing as an ugly woman to me 
men, we should not judge in haste we all have different taste 
besides, ugliness is in the heart, not in what we see. 
All that glitters is not gold so I've been told 
therefore, I never judge a book by it's cover 
a woman with no shine could still be made mine 
and I wouldn't care how she looks to another. 
Women likewise, pass up on good guys 
for the handsomer men that they long to hold 
but they should look twice for there are men just as nice 
they are just harder to see, like burried gold. 
All men and women out there should take heed and take care 
of your love ones whether they are pretty to you or not 
for there's plenty of others who'll see the beauty in your lovers 
and will steal what you don't know you've got. 
So when out on a date or seeking a mate 
don't pass up the plain her or plain him 
look well before you leap, for that rock you don't keep 
could indeed be an unpolished gem. 
Benjamin Macieo Davis 