The Very Best
When I take that leap of faith
I want to dive into a shimmering sea
Not some puddle that just came up
When I play this infernal game
I'll be all in with royal flush
Not waste my time on checkers with missing pieces
When I run this marathon
I won't stop at mile seventeen
I'll drive it all the way home and then some
When I find the right girl, you'll know
Cause I'll question it a million times
Don't want her just cause she's in front of me
My brothers have all followed a pattern
And I'm the next in line
I gotta do this right and not jump ahead
Even though it'll take time
I don't wanna scrape by, I wanna be blessed
Want a heart to pound like a sledgehammer, the whole shabang!
Please, don't think me snobby that I want the very best
NOTE: I'm the youngest of four siblings, and each one of them have always married the first person they were ever in a relationship with. Sometimes it worked out, sometimes it didn't it. I know they just care about me, but I'm tired of the badgering of them pushing me into a relationship as soon as possible. My point is I don't wanna just be infatuated, I want the real deal... and if it takes ages so be it.